Tuesday, 23 August 2011

4.6 Convection, Conduction, and Radiation

Objective 4.6: Recall that energy transfer may take place by conduction, convection and radiation

Task 1 · Try the animation: particle model - conduction · Extension: what is the limitation of this animation? (Check your answer with the Heating a Solid animation)

ANSWER: When a solid is heated, the molecules will gain more kinetic energy, therefore, they solid will expand only slightly - however, this animation does not accurately show this slight increase in size

Task 2 · Try the quiz on the Cooking animation · Extension: what's the mistake in the description of convection? ANSWER: They state that molecules transfer this energy by moving through the liquid/gas; however, it is only the difference in densities that cause the less densely packed molecules to move up (as they are 'lighter'), and the denser molecules to move down as they cool down at the top of the cooking pot. Kavin (Nik) Supatravanij
Bangkok Patana School, 10S